Fabric Shoppe

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About Us – Contact MGC

Greetings and welcome to Mossy Groove Cloth!
MGC is a very small business and a one women show (Suzanna Hayes). Suzanna has been running her business since 2013. She taught herself to sew in 2012 and never stopped! MGC was previously run under the name Creaking Wood, but in 2021 Suzanna moved to Florida and decided to reopen the same business under a new name for a fresh start (there were no issues with the business under the name Creaking Wood, it was just time for a new name in the new climate). MGC/CW offered many products, and specialized in exclusive print cloth diapers, however MGC opened up a second side of the business (custom designed fabric) at the beginning of 2022, and this is now the main focus of MGC.
Suzanna is a wife, and a mother to four creative children and four fur/purr babies.


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